Almost every Town in Spain has it’s Feria or Fiesta when the local inhabitants really do let their hair down. These are usually held around the feast day of the local Patron Saint and, as a result it is believed that there is a Fiesta somewhere in Spain on almost every day of the year.
Lasting from two to three days, and in some cases up to ten days, as in the case of Malaga locally, these are events for the whole family to enjoy. During the time of the Fiesta there will be some form of street entertainment throughout the day and into the early hours of the following morning. Most towns have a Feria or Fair ground which will form the focal point of the night time celebrations. These usually consist of a fair together with, in some cases, hundreds of tents or marquees each of which contains a bar, often with food, and entertainment. Ferias are usually started with a firework display on the first evening which signals the commencement of what will be an exhausting period of fun and enjoyment. Locals use the Feria as an excuse to dress in traditional costume, and both flamenco and more modern music will be featured everywhere. In every town the local feria is something to be looked forward to throughout the year. Families will often put money aside during the year to make sure that they have enough to spend during the event itself.
It is well worth looking out for local ferias or other events taking place. There really is no direct equivalent to these events in the UK and they are well worth visiting if you get the chance.